Now is the time to begin managing your loans and preparing for repayment. When you graduate, drop below half-time (less than 3 credits for master's degree students or 6 credits for licensure-only ...
The College of Adult & Professional Studies at Bethel offers a range of undergraduate programs—most of which are fully online—for working adults looking to start or complete their college education.
The Healthcare Administration concentration is for those who aspire to become leaders and innovators in the healthcare industry. You'll study healthcare policy, health informatics, and finance trends ...
In our K-12 Principal License program, you will be equipped, empowered, and inspired toward success in administrative leadership. The program is designed to provide you with the right blend of ...
With a counseling degree, you’ll transform the way others approach hope and healing. Discover what’s next. In Bethel's M.A. in Counseling program, you’ll prepare to become an effective counselor who ...
In Bethel’s M.A. in Counseling program, you’ll gain expertise in clinical mental health counseling so that you're ready to serve clients in diverse settings. Our program is accredited for Clinical ...
A collection of the Bethel community's personal and shared experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. The catalogs include the record of the academic life, faculty, calendar, programs and courses of ...
At Bethel, we're committed to provide you with transparent and accurate costs so you can plan for your degree. The tuition amounts shown are correct as of the time of posting for the Bethel Graduate ...
There are a variety of ways Bethel's meal plans make life a bit easier. You already have enough on your plate as a Bethel student. Leave it to our expert chefs to prepare fresh food for you each day.
At Bethel, we believe in the type of preparation that will produce the highest results. Doctoral programs provide exactly that–quality education with the flexibility to fit your schedule. Our doctoral ...
At Bethel, pursuing a master's degree is more than just the next step in the journey–it's the turning point toward reaching your goals. Our main goal is to see you succeed along the way, which is why ...
With a Doctor of Education in Higher Education Leadership, you’ll grow as an authentic leader equipped to make positive change. Discover what’s next. In Bethel’s Ed.D. in Higher Education Leadership ...