The Sports Development Authority of Tamil Nadu (SDAT) has floated a tender inviting bids for construction of a Chief Minister’s Mini Stadium-Jallikattu Arena at Suriyur near Tiruchi ...
The report by the Justice S. Rajeswaran Commission of Inquiry, which exonerates the police from allegations of excesses ...
Seven persons, mostly spectators and a bull owner, died in the jallikattu and manjuvirattu events held across Tamil Nadu on ...
In Jallikattu, bulls owned by prominent figures such as Sri Lankan Eastern Province ex-Governor Senthil Thondaiman, actor ...
Hundreds of bull tamers gathered at the iconic 'Vaadivasal' vying to tame the bulls and win a range of prizes, including a tractor, car, motorcycle, and gold coins.
Seven persons, mostly spectators and a bull owner, died in the jallikattu and manjuvirattu events held across Tamil Nadu on Kaanum Pongal day, police said on Friday. Two bulls too died in separate ...