Over 160,000 people this season have landed in the hospital from flu complications, CDC estimates. More than 6,600 have died.
With a recent surge in influenza, COVID-19, norovirus, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and other respiratory viruses, it's ...
The hidden pandemic of ME/CFS affects 1 in 22 COVID-19 survivors and this lifelong syndrome includes fatigue, brain fog, and ...
While we know the hallmark symptoms of COVID ― like coughing, fatigue, for example ― there are some COVID-19 symptoms ...
Earlier in the pandemic, it appeared that the majority of people infected with the coronavirus experienced mild-to-moderate symptoms and generally recovered within two to three weeks, depending on ...
Thousands of Oklahomans are sick with the flu. Symptoms of influenza include chills, fever, cough and body aches.
A new study based on German long-COVID patients shows 68% experience the same symptoms in year 2 as in year 1 of the chronic ...
An England-wide study of over 58 million people has identified eight rare diseases that carry significantly increased risks for COVID-19-related mortality in fully vaccinated individuals.