"Alien: Earth" is a new TV prequel to the "Alien" franchise. It starts when a spaceship crashes on Earth with a xenomorph on ...
Cinephiles love to debate their favorite cinematic decades and will find plenty of evidence to back up their claims. But when ...
SCIENTISTS have discovered a new super-Earth with an ‘eccentric’ orbit that swings it in-and-out of its star’s habitable zone ...
Scientists have confirmed the discovery of a new planet which is six times as large as the Earth and could host alien life.
A planet that may support alien life has been discovered less than 20 light-years from Earth. The "promising" super-Earth - ...
Earth”, which could be home to alien life. The planet, known as HD 20794d, orbits in the habitable zone of a star similar to ...
UK researchers have confirmed the existence of a “super Earth” located 20 light-years away that could reveal the existence of ...
A planet that may support alien life has been discovered less than 20 light-years away from Earth - and it's believed to ...
Republican Congressman Tim Burchett has sparked debate by suggesting that alien life might be hiding in Earth's oceans.
Terrestrial' is a sci-fi family classic about a young boy named Elliott who befriends an alien stranded on Earth ...
LOS ANGELES -- FX's new "Alien: Earth" series, part of the hit "Alien" franchise, is landing on Hulu this summer.
About 99% of Earth is uninhabitable; in deep underground places with high pressure and temperature, even the toughest ...