A science fiction horror film franchise, focusing on Lieutenant Ellen Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) and her battle with an extraterrestrial life-form, commonly referred to as "the Alien". Produced by ...
Aliens, James Cameron's 1986 sequel to Ridley Scott's 1979 horror/thriller, Alien, remains one of the best cinematic sequels ...
The "Alien" TV show is the first story that will be set on Earth. What makes this so unique is that we haven’t seen this before in the franchise, so it would be interesting to watch how the ...
There were already plenty of sci-fi movies by the time Ridley Scott’s Alien hatched in 1979, but the filmmaker’s sophomore feature-length production certainly changed the game on what was ...
If you didn't manage to catch the movie in cinemas or fancy a rewatch, read on for everything you need to know about the latest Alien: Romulus streaming options. The new film became available to ...
20th Century Studios As mentioned above, you can now also watch Alien: Romulus on Disney+ in the UK if you don't want to buy a digital copy. If you're not a subscriber, you can sign up to the stre ...
After months of radio silence, Disney Plus has finally confirmed the date that Alien Romulus will hit streaming in the UK. Audiences outside of the US have been left waiting for months to watch the ...