On November 15th, the Public Policy master’s students met with the Board of Advisors for a day of professional development ...
Because it takes a research university. William & Mary is a fully formed university making our share of a university's contributions to the creation of knowledge — research and scholarship. Our ...
IT resources to work, teach, and learn while away from campus Not on campus today? The good news is the vast majority of IT systems are readily accessible from off campus - just as they are on campus.
This is truly an incredible moment. A time to celebrate your student’s success as they finish high school and focus with excitement on the opportunities ahead. The transition to college can feel ...
The Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs serves as a centralized academic advising hub focused on supporting the students, faculty, and staff that compose the W&M campus community. Want to request ...
Installing XQuartz on your mac laptop/desktop is simple. Go to the url: https://www.xquartz.org/ Click on the latest version of XQuartz pkg and download. Once ...
You must take the language placement test by the deadline only if: You wish to continue studying a modern language (Arabic, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, or Russian) and you have not ...
Involvement is more than just showing up. At William & Mary, we believe that student leadership development is a cornerstone in supporting students to become engaged citizens. Leaders use their skills ...