Military submarines use red light instead of fluorescent or other light types for specific, scientific reasons. Here's ...
A documentary set to be released on Monday shows the power of not only the ships but also the people who operate them.
On the heels of the 161st anniversary of the day the H.L. Hunley and its crew sank, the North Charleston museum has newly ...
The B-265 Krasnodar is a Project 636.3 Varshavyanka-class submarine, also known in the West as the Improved Kilo-class. It is ...
A new version of Ukraine's Shrike FPV attack drone can sink underwater, then re-emerge to carry out an attack. It might be the next generation of ambush drons.
The United States operates 14 Ohio-class ballistic missile submarines (SSBNs) and four cruise missile submarines (SSGNs). The USS Ohio is the largest submarine the U.S. has ever built, and is capable ...
Task Fleet Command of the ROK Navy was established in February, marking another step for the ROK Navy to become a blue-water ...
Sens. Susan Collins of Maine and Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire have asked the U.S. Navy to seek an exemption for Portsmouth ...