The Chinese Type 093B is classified by the U.S. military as a guided-missile nuclear-powered attack submarine.
The nuclear-powered USS Alexandria is a 360-foot fast-attack submarine equipped with Tomahawk missiles and MK48 torpedoes.
The U.S. Navy awarded defense contractor Lockheed Martin a $383 million contract to produce upgraded Trident II D5 missiles ...
A documentary set to be released on Monday shows the power of not only the ships but also the people who operate them.
The role of the previously unreported submarine in the Chinese navy, which is the world's largest by hull count, remains ...
China’s new nuclear-battery attack submarine – a unique hybrid boat running on batteries like a conventional sub but which ...
China is swiftly increasing the size of its submarine fleet, while India’s first nuclear attack submarine is anticipated to ...
and had also contributed to making China a great power in the world. In 1958, Huang became one of China's first researchers designated to design the nation's own nuclear-powered submarines.