Sailor Moon's Death Busters arc introduces viewers to the prestigious Mugen Academy. The academy was created by a renowned professor, Souichi Tomoe. The elite private school educates children of all ...
Rep. Tim Burchett (R-Tenn.) said Wednesday he believes aliens have underwater bases on Earth. “I just think travelin’ light years, I think it happens. I think it’s possible in the vastness ...
US congressional Representative Tim Burchett said in an interview Wednesday that an admiral -- whom he did not identify -- had told him of an alien craft moving at incredible speeds in the sea.
Here on Earth, the fastest puff of wind on record was a blustery 407 kilometers (253 miles) per hour, measured on Australia's ...
Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN) told his former colleague Matt Gaetz on Wednesday that he believed aliens were currently hiding ...