The film follows the Paiva family living a seemingly idyllic life in 1970s Rio de Janeiro, until one night there's a knock at ...
Fernanda Torres gives a complex, Oscar-nominated performance as Brazilian activist Eunice Paiva, whose search for her ...
The Academy has informed Netflix that Karla Sofia Gascon's comments about Fernanda Torres do not violate Oscar campaign rules ...
If the Oscars nominatations have made you want to watch I’m Still Here on streaming, here’s where you can find it first.
"I'm Still Here" gained enough momentum after the Golden Globes to snag a Best Picture nomination, and Sebastian Stan received a nod for portraying Donald Trump.
"I'm Still Here" is one of two foreign movies nominated in the best picture category, along with "Emilia Perez ," which racked up 13 nominations at this year's awards, the most of any films. The film ...
The Brazilian film's inclusion in the Oscars Best Picture line-up came as a surprise to some – here's when you can watch it ...
The global success of Brazilian movie "I'm Still Here" -- riding high after three Oscars nominations -- has set off a national fervor usually reserved for Carnaval or the football World Cup. The movie ...